Facing Your Finances: How to Improve Your Financial Wellness and Better Your Budget
Financial Wellness may be a lot more important to our overall wellness than we think. Identify some of the ways finances can affect our health and some of the ways we can take back control! Let’s look after ourselves by budgeting more effectively.
The Importance of Financial Wellness
Being financially prepared may not be the most glamorous part of being an adult, but it can definitely pay off in the end. Read about how financial wellness can make a huge impact on your mental and physical wellbeing.
Stoicism: A Life-Compass for Times of Disruption
Take a moment and think about what being “stoic” means to you. Many of us imagine hardened, emotionless people who face the world without expressing themselves, their emotions, or their complaints. But, did you know that stoicism, which has been around for centuries, has principles that we can implement into our lives to improve our […]
Advocating for Your Health: Tips on Talking to Health Care Practitioners
How to prepare for appointments and talk to health care professionals and doctors when dealing with difficult or frustrating situations
You Feel What You Eat – How to Boost Your Mood With Food
This articles lists how and what foods boost your mood.