Fostering financial abundance can sound like a romanticized notion, and some might view it as an impractical suggestion for coping with life’s financial demands. However, developing abundance as a spiritual concept within ourselves can help liberate us from being overly consumed with material possessions. But what does abundance mean? How can a spiritual concept impact our finances? Let’s have a look, shall we?
Abundance means letting go of any mundane baggage we impose on ourselves, and truly embracing the belief that everything we want in this life can find its way to us. This spiritual pursuit can actively loosen the grip financial burdens have on us, by helping us to focus on the deeper aspects of life, as well as apply gratitude to nurture happiness within our hearts for what we do have. In other words, abundance can be achieved through finding happiness and pleasure in the simplest of things. For example, by adopting this mindset, we can derive the same amount of joy from eating a homemade grilled cheese sandwich as we can enjoying a gourmet dinner at a world-renowned restaurant. So, now that we’ve covered the meaning of abundance, why is establishing a financial abundance mindset so important?
Financial Abundance
As we become less occupied with material objects, the amount of money we earn, and how much we can lose, our openness expands, allowing us to grow both personally and professionally. This can, in turn, empower us to make important life decisions more confidently. It can also help inspire us to be more receptive to new possibilities, possibilities that we might otherwise overlook because of how focused we are on our financial status.
The key to financial abundance is ridding ourselves of the negative thoughts that can make us feel like we’re not worthy of owning something, or that we can’t afford something, as well as the notion that there are social classes that live an easier life as a result of more money. Money can get us what we desire, of course, but it can’t promise us the happiness we think will accompany said desire. Try channeling your energy into asking, “What would I do if I had the sum of money that I believe is the answer to all of my problems?” What would be the first thing you would do?

Still skeptical? What if we told you that we’ve got four tips that might just entice you to consider embracing this mindset? Keep reading to find out more!
#1 Embrace Your Desires
Financial abundance doesn’t mean embracing poverty. It’s more of a way to live a simple life, free of the fiscal restraints of certain standards we ‘‘must’’ meet. With that in mind, try not to demonize your aspirations and dreams. It’s perfectly normal to want to treat yourself or splurge on something lavish every now and then. We’re here to tell you that not only is it okay, but more importantly, to do it with zero guilt—you deserve to pamper yourself.
#2 Spend Money the Way You Would Spend Love
The abundance mindset introduces the concept of the more you give, the more likely you are to receive, and some people would argue that we can receive even more than what we’ve put in. Being proactively generous means being willing to offer time, experience, advice, and money to others, resulting in a sense of fulfillment and purpose that extends far beyond the (often temporary) happiness money and material items can provide us with.

#3 Understanding Our Choices
When it comes to spending, we’re all different people. In fact, there are arguably seven types of financial personalities! This begs the question: Is there a specific type that’s most suited to financial abundance? No! However, it may be worth our while to discover which personality represents us, in order to celebrate our strengths and identify any areas we would like to work on.
#4 Developing Financial Literacy
Enhancing our understanding of our finances can help us prevent anxiety surrounding our spending habits and savings, as well as boost our financial literacy. Good financial literacy can help us to understand basic financial concepts, such as inflation and how it can affect us, financial risks and/or challenges that may arise based on where we are in the world, and the benefits and effectiveness of retirement plans.
Financial abundance doesn’t promise more money. Instead, it promises a profound appreciation of what we already have, encouraging us to let go of financial-related concerns and be open to new opportunities without limiting ourselves. It’s as simple as that good old saying: Money comes, money goes.
Learn how to navigate your spending, treat yourself, save for a rainy day, and experience full financial control with the Holisticly Team of expert Life and Executive Coaches! Hit the Level Up button to book your personalized consultation today!