5 Top Tips to Promote a Holistically Healthy Neighborhood

Experiencing a holistically healthy neighborhood may sound too good to be true, some might even think it’s out of our control. But, there are some actions that we can take that can help us secure a healthier lifestyle, a safer neighborhood, and a beautifully integrated community! Explore five stellar tips to help you build a healthy neighborhood!

3 Health Benefits of Keeping Houseplants

Plants look lovely, and they smell lovely too, but did you know that having greenery around your house can do a whole lot for your wellness? Check out 3 of the ways that houseplants can boost your health!

3 Ways We Can Unite to Reclaim Our Planet: An Expert’s Insight

Our planet’s wellbeing can be a determinant factor for our holistic health. There are measures we can incorporate in our daily lives that we may be taking for granted, yet can be a contributing factor in the global change we aspire to see! Think you’ve got what it takes to be our planet’s hero? Read to find out!

Can a Change of Scenery Improve Your Wellbeing?

Is there anything more relaxing than a sunny day spent digging your toes into the sand and watching the waves crash against the shore? Some may even call it healing. Or how about the pure bliss of a weekend away in the mountains? Every now and then, we all want a change of scenery. Your […]

Food Waste and Its Environmental Impact

When we hear about food and its impact, we think about our health. However, there are various ways in which food impacts our surroundings, especially how we consume food and how it is wasted.

How Green Buildings Improve 3 Wellbeing Aspects

The impact we have on the earth is growing, and we must find new ways to limit our footprint. Since our population is expected to grow in the next thirty years, finding new ways to build sustainably is a way to help our environment before it’s too late. In fact, population growth will lead to a higher […]

Harmful Substances: What Are They and How to Avoid Them

Many chemicals, when used properly, can contribute significantly to the improvement of our quality of life, health, and wellbeing. However, some chemicals are very hazardous and can negatively impact our health and the environment when not properly managed.